There are 224 pages with 2233 entries

 Family  Genus  Specific epithet  Ploidy level  Chromosome number  Bs range  Complete citation reference
Alstroemeriaceae Alstroemeria angustifolia 2,00 16 3 Buitendijk, J. (1996). Giemsa C-banded Karyotypes of Eight Species of Alstroemeria L. and Some of Their Hybrids. Annals of Botany, 78(4), 449–457.
Alstroemeriaceae Alstroemeria longistaminea 2,00 16 0-6 Ribeiro, T., Vaio, M., Félix, L. P., & Guerra, M. (2021). Satellite DNA probes of Alstroemeria longistaminea (Alstroemeriaceae) paint the heterochromatin and the B chromosome, reveal a G-like banding pattern, and point to a strong structural karyotype con
Amaryllidaceae Galanthus elwesii 2,00 24 1-3 Sveshnikova, L. I. (1971). A comparative-karyological investigation of the genus Galanthus L. I. Section Galanthus. Bot. Zurn., 56, 118–126.
Amaryllidaceae Galanthus nivalis 2,00 24 1-3 Sveshnikova, L. I. (1971). A comparative-karyological investigation of the genus Galanthus L. I. Section Galanthus. Bot. Zurn., 56, 118–126.
Amaryllidaceae Galanthus graecus 2,00 24 1-3 Sveshnikova, L. I. (1971). A comparative-karyological investigation of the genus Galanthus L. I. Section Galanthus. Bot. Zurn., 56, 118–126.
Amaryllidaceae Galanthus caucasicus 2,00 24 1 Sveshnikova, L. I. (1971). A comparative-karyological investigation of the genus Galanthus L. II. Section viridifolii. Bot. Zurn., 56, 282–293.
Amaryllidaceae Galanthus krasnovii 2,00 24 1-2 Sveshnikova, L. I. (1971). A comparative-karyological investigation of the genus Galanthus L. II. Section viridifolii. Bot. Zurn., 56, 282–293.
Amaryllidaceae Galanthus transcaucasicus 2,00 24 1 Sveshnikova, L. I. (1971). A comparative-karyological investigation of the genus Galanthus L. II. Section viridifolii. Bot. Zurn., 56, 282–293.
Amaryllidaceae Tulbaghia sp. 2,00 12 8,9 Wilsenach, R. (1967). On the karyotype and phytogeny of Tulbaghia. Plant Life, 23, 75–83
Amaryllidaceae Galanthus woronowii 2,00 24 1 Sveshnikova, L. I. (1971). A comparative-karyological investigation of the genus Galanthus L. II. Section viridifolii. Bot. Zurn., 56, 282–293.

B-chrom database 2017